

Molecular formula: CHCiF2

Molecular wight: 86.46

Our chlorodifluoromethane, CHCiF2, R22 physical and chemical feature: The F22 has the characteristics of nontoxicity, smellessness, burninglessness, explosionlessness and good heat stability. If there is no moisture, its chemical feature is very stable. It doesn't react on metal, acid and oxidant when below the temperature of 200. It reacts slowly on alkali with the existence of water. Its boiling point is -40.82. Under high temperature, it can be thermally cracked into organic compound containing high temperature. It can be thermally cracked into organic compound containing fluoride.

Technical Standard of chlorodifluoromethane, CHCiF2, R22 R22(GB7373-87)

Item Index
Excellent Grade 1st Grade Up to Standard
Complexion Achromatic Turbidlessness
Smell No Uncommonly Odors
Purity% 99.8 99.5 99.0
Moisture% 0.001 0.002 0.005
Acidity(HCL)% 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001
Evaporating Residue% 0.01 0.01 0.02

Usage: chlorodifluoromethane, CHCiF2, R22 is used in reciprocating compressor as cold-producing medium in airconditioner system. It can also be used as pesticide, spraying agent for lacquering and in the processing of fire-extinguishing chemical. It is the basic material in the processing of all kinds of high molecular compound containing fluorine.

Packing: Steel cylinder 800L/800KG, 400L/400KG, 50Lb/22.7KG or 30Lb/13.6KG each.
